Pupil Premium
The Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) is additional Government funding, implemented in 2012, to raise achievement amongst disadvantaged children. It is allocated to schools to help diminish the difference between children from low income families and other disadvantaged families and their peers.
The Pupil Premium is for pupils aged 4 and over, from Reception to Year 11, who are eligible for Free School Meals. Any child that has been registered for Free School Meals over the past six years is eligible to receive the funding (Ever6 FSM). Any children who are ‘Looked After’ are also eligible for the funding. ‘Looked After’ children qualify for a funding amount of £2,530 per year; this is an additional source of funding which is for the school to use to support their needs in particular. Any children classed as an Ever6 Service Child (child of a member of the military forces or person in receipt of a military pension) are granted £335 for the school to use to support their needs. If you would like to check whether your child is eligible for any the above funding you can find information at www.gov.uk or ask for advice in the school office. Each pupil premium strategy is reviewed at predetermined points throughout the academic year to ensure that identified strategies and systems are, and remain, effective.
In the 2023 to 2024 financial year, schools will receive £1,455 funding for each child registered as eligible for free school meals at any point in the last 6 years.