History and Geography
History at Meadow View
At Meadow View, History is taught through topic-based learning. We recognise that high-quality history teaching helps pupils to gain a better understanding of Britain’s past, as well as that of the wider world. We aim to equip children with a coherent understanding of historical events and their chronology, as well as helping them to develop their ability to:- Ask questions about the past,- Think critically about people and events from history, - Analyse both primary and secondary sources and their reliability,- Develop their own perspectives about events and people of the past,- Make comparisons between time periods.
We also encourage children to learn lessons from actions and events in history. We encourage children to empathise with people who lived in the past, and to understand how the actions of today will become the history of tomorrow.
Geography at Meadow View
At Meadow View, Geography skills are taught as part of termly topics. We aim to inspire children to be more curious about the world and its people, by giving them experiences which allow them to learn about diverse places and people. Children learn about aspects of human geography, such as land use and population changes, as well as the physical processes which have formed our planet over millions of years. In order to learn about the world in which we live, children are taught skills which allow them to:- Collect and analyse data,- Interpret maps, aerial photographs and globes,- Present geographical information in different ways.
As well as developing children’s Geographical knowledge and skills, we also aim to encourage children to think ecologically about how their own actions play a role in protecting the health of our planet.
Name | |
EYFS Dinosaurs Knowledge Organiser.docx | Download |
EYFS My Family and Me Knowledge Organiser.docx | Download |
EYFS Safari Knowledge Organiser.docx | Download |
Year 1 Children Around the World Knowledge Organiser.docx | Download |
Year 1 Great Fire of London Knowledge Organiser.docx | Download |
Year 1 Life before technology Knowledge Organiser.docx | Download |
Year 2 Inspirational People Knowledge Organiser.docx | Download |
Year 2 Islands - Sailing Seven Seas Knowledge Organiser.docx | Download |
Year 2 Medieval Britain Knowledge Organiser.docx | Download |
Year 3 Ancient Egyptians Knowledge Organiser.docx | Download |
Black History Month
Throughout the month of October, we celebrate Black History Month. As a school, we learn about some of the amazing Black men and women who have shaped our history. In Year 1, children learn about local hero, Sir Lenny Henry and his amazing charitable work for Comic Relief. Year 2's focus is on Space Travel and the incredible work of Mae Jemison and Katherine Johnson. Year 3 spend their curriculum lessons studying a range of Black sporting stars from Simone Biles to Sir Mo Farah. Meanwhile, in Year 4, children learn about key black figures in the world of medicine, including Harold Moody and Rebecca Lee Crumpler. Year 5's focus is slavery and abolitionists including Harriet Tubman and Sojourner Truth. Year 6 learn about the injustice of South Africa's apartheid and the campaigning of Nelson Mandela. What an amazing array of work they have completed!
Year 6
During the Autumn Term, Year 6 learn all about the Industrial Revolution and answer their Big Question of 'How did the Industrial Revolution impact Birmingham?'. They learn about the invention of the steam engine, importance of the canals and railway system. They also create a persuasive advert encouraging Victorian business owners to set up their factories in Birmingham.
In Spring Year 6 answer the big question 'What is the future of planet Earth?'. They learn about global warming and how our climate has changed since the industrial revolution.
Year 5
Year 5 start the year with a topic all about Natural Disasters. They learn about volcanoes, earthquakes, tsunamis and other natural events. They look at the structure of the Earth, before learning why volcanic eruptions and earthquakes occur, and study the location of the Earth's tectonic plates. They even experienced a 'real' earthquake!
In the Spring term the big question is 'Where do British people come from?'. They learn about the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings and how they invaded and settled in Britain.
Year 4
Year 4 kick off the year with a topic all about The Ancient Greeks. They locate the country of Greece within Europe, and place the Ancient Greek era on a timeline. They learn about a range of Ancient Greek myths, as well as learning about some of the many different Greek gods and goddesses. They learn about how we can use artefacts and ruins to help us understand what life was like for the Ancient Greeks.
In Spring Year 4's big question is 'Why do rivers flood?'. They learn about the features of rivers, from the source to the mouth and learn to locate some of the longest rivers on planet Earth.
Year 3
Year 3 travel far back in time to learn about the periods of the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age. They learn about how the earliest humans were hunters and gatherers, and the children look at how life, hunting and housing change from the Stone Age to the Iron Age. They learn about what everyday life was like, and how we can use things left behind, such as tools, bones and cave drawings, to learn about the earliest humans.
In Spring year 3's big question in 'Why does the world need rainforests?'. They learn about what deforestation is and the causes and effects of this on our planet.
Year 2
Year 2 learn about the Medieval period in Great Britain. They learn about how a group of people called the Normans came to Britain and began building castles for defence. They look at how castles changed from those made from wood, to stone-built castles and the reasons for this. The children look at the different people who lived inside a castle, from Lords and Ladies to cooks and jesters.
In Spring Year 2's big question is 'Who inspires you?'. They learn about the following key figures: Martin Luther- King, Florence Nightingale and Rosa Parks.
Year 1
Children in Year 1 locate where we live within the world. They learn that we live near a city called Birmingham, in a country called England. They learn that England is located in Europe, and that the capital city of our country is London. The children look at the lives of other children around the world, and made comparisons between where we live and other countries.
In Spring Year 1's big question is 'Could the Great Fire of London been avoided?'. They learn about where and when the fire started, as we as why it spread so quickly.