Meet the 2024/2025 Team:
Miss Crutchley
Teacher (Tigers)
Mrs Reynolds
Learning Support Assistant
Miss Brainch
Nursery Learning Support Assistant
Mrs Bailey
Teacher (Giraffes)
Mrs Aujla
Learning Support Assistant
Mrs Thomason
Nursery Learning Support Assistant
Mrs Ashton
Teacher (Giraffes)
Mrs Morris
Learning Support Assistant
Reception Class Champions...
As Reception are still settling into school life, we will be doing class champions after October half-term.
Star Awards...
We cannot wait to find out who are star awards will go to this term!
Watch this space...
Reception Curriculum Map - Autumn 1, 2024
If you would like to know a little more about what the children in Reception will be learning about this half term, please refer to our curriculum map document below.
Our Learning Journey
Below you will find out about our learning journey over the last term. Please click on any document links for further information.
In English, we will be continuing to explore our topic 'Do all heroes where capes?'
To explore this further, we will be looking at a range of non-fiction and fiction to support our understanding and writing.
See some of the fascinating books below:

In Phonics we have been learning our initial sounds. We follow the RWI scheme.
Please see below the order of the initial sounds.
Please see below some links to website to support your child with phonics at home.
In Maths we have been looking at number from 1-10.
We have focused on; number formation, counting forwards and backward, ordering numbers from 1-10 and representing the numbers in different ways.
We have been doing this with the help of our friends at 'Ten Town'.
See below some links you can use to support your child's learning at home:
Do all heroes where capes?
This half term our topic is all about People who help us.
During our topic sessions, the children will find out about people within our community who help us in different ways and also consider those who have helped us in the past. We will explore this topic using a range of activities both inside and outside the classroom.
We will try to organise meetings with some of these people who will talk to the children about their roles. If any of our parents are everyday heroes, please let us know!
Additional Information
This term, the children will be having PE sessions once a week on a Wednesday. The lessons will focus on introducing the children to PE. We will be learning how to play simple games which will help develop the children’s gross motor skills.
Please ensure your child comes into school wearing the correct PE kit.