Meadow View JMI School

Meadow View JMI School

Dream, Believe, Achieve

Visit our website for information about Meadow View JMI

Frampton Way, Great Barr, Birmingham B43 7UJ

0121 366 6182


  1. News
  2. Recycling batteries.

Recycling batteries.

9 May 2019 (by Jason Wedge (jwedge))

We have decided to launch a very exciting campaign called the Big Battery Hunt. The children have been challenged to find and collect as many batteries as possible, please help them do this.



 We have decided to launch a very exciting campaign called the Big Battery Hunt.  The children have been challenged to find and collect as many batteries as possible, please help them do this. They can enlist everyone to help make sure that no battery ends up in landfill. The children have been supplied with a collection box, please get them to bring this into school when it is full so that we can add it to the main container and enter the competition.

Also in school we are currently recycling crisp packets. Every year countless  crisp packet end up in landfill sites.  We will be collecting empty crisp packets which are turned into plastic pellets and used to make plastic products; preventing them from ending up in landfill sites and helps raise funds for school.

So not only will it help the environment but also help the school!

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